Yeh! Now you are getting the drift! The Moose Mt. Sign hangs from the iron hanger at approx. 6 feet high. To say that the snow has reached beyond Big Woody's confort zone is an understatement !
Neighbors are asking if they can use the driveway for a Luge Run in preperation for Keene Special Olympics ( presently under consideration by Mr & Mrs Woody ) ; we are thinking about holding out for special seeding in the dual seniors division for granting permission !
Big Woody has had his hands full keeping everthing clear & open for business as usual. Although even Big Woody has his limits to his patience & sense of enough is enough! It gets harder & harder to throw that snow up & over. But the Meter reader & oil man certainly appreciate it
Now to all those who are really with it ; what do you notice about this picture ? If you guessed that this is the only clear driveway in New Hampshire & possibly New England you are absolutely correct!. Anyone who has ever lifted a shoval on Moose Mtn.. can not only imagine how many shoval fulls of snow have been removed but they probably are rejoicing that they have made no recent trips to the Mtn.
I need to head to bed and I have SOOOOOOOOOO many comments to make on this post! Darn it!
ReplyDeleteFirst - YAY!!!!!!!!!! I will now be able to rest easy knowing that you are spending your last winter on Moose Mountain and not be worrying I am going to be getting a call that you or Mrs. Woody have died of a heart attack from shoveling or that you broken your neck falling off the roof!
Second - I think those are officially the highest I have ever seen any piles of snow and it is starting to make me realize I do NOT hope JonBoy gets a job in New time I start to wish that I will just refer back to this post and be VERY VERY thankful we live in VA!
Third - does the Special Olympics have a luge run....that sounds awfully dangerous - haha!
Fourth - Perhaps you and Mrs Woody should just drive down here and spend the rest of the winter in our extra roomy house! Lillie is now on day two of naps and nighttime without anyone laying down in the other bed with her! YAY!!!!! I am thinking Gramp and Uncle Bob though would not approve of that move.
Fifth - Jamie and Dutch, if the Woody's happen to be moving during July or move somewhere without room for us will you have your guest room ready for Lillie, Lola and me? Perhaps we will have to shorten our trip this summer to two weeks - haha! I just wanted to call dibs before Jason.
Okay it after two again so off to bed I go! xoxo
Jenni - I heard they were moving into an apartment in Keene so Dad won't have as long of a commute for his skateboarding and piano classes next fall. So YES! You can stay the whole summer if you'd like.
Haha - you are funny, Jamie! Maybe they can move into Dana's old apartment!
ReplyDeleteA) Does this serve as Woody's official announcement that He and Lady Moose will officially cover all monetary expenses required for turning Moose Mountain into the area's finest Par 3 golf course/wedding destination?
ReplyDeleteB) Jenni can't take my room. I built it with my bare hands, save the electrical work.
I am thinking The Woody Files is about due for a new post soon!