Tiss the slow season on the Mountain - while should I say the " Time to catch your breath Season ". It has been nice; pretty quite; except for the middle of the night health care phone-calls and numerous trips to Doctors and ER.. Mr & Mrs Woody have gotten a bunch of bike rides & numerous walks in several locations. It has been really a beautiful mild fall season one to cherish & enjoy cuz winter is coming! Those smiles that you see on our faces; hopefully will still be there in Mid Febuary ( after back to back blizzards & shoveling the driveway,roofs,&deck) tiss the season to be jolly!
While next week is Thanksgiving and thus; inevibally life will speed up! In an attempt to keep the pace somewhat under control Mr & Mrs Woody have decided to do Thanksgiving Dinner out this year - The Summit - should be an exciting change of pace! Woody will keep you posted on things.( such as menu - People in attendance; etc. ) Thanksgiving this year will have us somewhat scattered about as not all will be able to attend to proceedings at the Summit but allas such is life ! Our local teams Patriots & Celtics are off to great starts and both will be hard to beat come playoff time. Pats have Brady & Celtics have Rondo both the best at their positions in their particular Sport ! College Hoops has started so we are watching William & Mary ( 0&2 out of the gate but after Syr. game, things will hopefully pick up) & of course N.D. scores regulary & lets hope there is some excitement ahead on both fronts!
Mrs Woody has started getting in the "Christmas Spirit" with shopping and making stuff & Big Woody even bought 1 present himself for lillie ( might not be able to wait & may be birthday present instead)!
In case you are wondering yes the leaves are all cleaned up & we have got the Moose Mountain ready for Winter - Mr & Mrs Woody even pick up each leave that we find on the ground as we are walking up & down the driveway on our walks! ( You know how Mrs Woody can't stand having even a leaf on the property!) :) Well, as they say "Let it Snow" Please - Not Yet The
Woody Files will return after Turkey Day Bye Bye for Now !
Woody :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Mr & Mrs Woody under the Dome
Well we left the Mountain ! Last Friday we ventured off Moose Mtn. & headed west for the weekend; our trip started Friday morning at 9:00am as we got in the car & headed south on 91 . Less than 2 hrs later we were having breakfeast at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks Conn. & after my traditional scrambled eggs ( Mrs Woody went for the bagel ) we boarded the " Big Bird ' ( better known as the SWA 747 ) and headed towards the Windy City. And we did hit some turbulance ( Mrs Woody handled it like a trooper ). soon we landed & got our rental in a snap ( Dollar Express Member); it pays to be a high roller!
Got in and headed out on 55 street - all was going smoothly. They had asked if we needed a map at the Dollar Window; Mrs Woody said ,"yes please" Big Woody sd. " No Need - know the Rte by Heart"
So off we started. I asked Mrs Woody if she would send one of the kids a text & she said as soon as we got on 90 east she would ( one takes that 86 miles to South Bend ) Woody again stated something to the effect that, I could do this in my sleep! You guessed it after Mrs Woody sent text she looked up & we were indeed on the Indiana Turnpike but Rt 94 not 90. Woody being Woody - Wrong Again !!!
But Mrs Woody ( who had gotten that previousley mentioned map) simply and calmly - explained how we would connect to our rt a few miles ahead. So we got back on course & preceded along our way.
Woody was not going to let anything get in our way of a god time in South Bend. We were making great time - actaully all but erasing time lost for missed turn when Mrs Woody politely suggested that we were in no hurry & perhaps we should slow down a bit. But Big Woody was antsy so we kept on trucking. About 1 hour later sure enough lights were flashing and it was not cuz of construction - You guessed it The Woody Mobile was being pulled over ! Hard to believe but Big BuBBa was at my window " Do you know why I am pulling you over ?" Well Woody not the sharpest tool in the toolbox but sd. "Yes Sir - going too fast" he said what do you have to say - I sd. " Well usually I am a safe driver (a little white lie) but We are from NH & we are trying to get to ND to take a son out to dinner. He sd. wait here please & he went to get the scoop on Big Woody - He came back & sd. " Warning " Boy was I releaved as I was not doing so well on the 1st hour of this trip. Mrs Woody was again very calme with no " I told you so s or anything"
At this point Big Woody would have been a little flustered had the shoe been on the other foot! But on we went. We went over to Irish Row & saw the Sons new place & low & behold his appartment was in perfect order. We were pretty inpressed , we had a good evening & things were going pretty good untill Mr & Mrs Woody decided to walk from T Blacks to the Stadium for tailgatting before game. During lunch Big Woody realized mistake #3 tickets were back at the Blacks. (2 miles away) Fortunitley T. Black sd. take the Golf cart. While I won't even try and tell the story about the ride; I will leave that to Mrs Woody &/or Jason to translate how Woody navigated the sea of humanity to get us thru but let me just say that it was Big Woody at his best!!!
As we gave our ticket to the usher and he showed us our seats the picture you see above, we are actaully standing on our seats. The very LAST row at the top of the stadium; but NOTHING could dampen the spirits of Mr. and Mrs. Woody as they were sharing time alone under the big dome!
As always Mr & Mrs Woody enjoyed their trip away from the Rat Race & Mrs Woody was truely a trooper to put up with Woodys Foolishness again !!! Till next time so goes the life of Mr. and Mrs. Woody.
Got in and headed out on 55 street - all was going smoothly. They had asked if we needed a map at the Dollar Window; Mrs Woody said ,"yes please" Big Woody sd. " No Need - know the Rte by Heart"
So off we started. I asked Mrs Woody if she would send one of the kids a text & she said as soon as we got on 90 east she would ( one takes that 86 miles to South Bend ) Woody again stated something to the effect that, I could do this in my sleep! You guessed it after Mrs Woody sent text she looked up & we were indeed on the Indiana Turnpike but Rt 94 not 90. Woody being Woody - Wrong Again !!!
But Mrs Woody ( who had gotten that previousley mentioned map) simply and calmly - explained how we would connect to our rt a few miles ahead. So we got back on course & preceded along our way.
Woody was not going to let anything get in our way of a god time in South Bend. We were making great time - actaully all but erasing time lost for missed turn when Mrs Woody politely suggested that we were in no hurry & perhaps we should slow down a bit. But Big Woody was antsy so we kept on trucking. About 1 hour later sure enough lights were flashing and it was not cuz of construction - You guessed it The Woody Mobile was being pulled over ! Hard to believe but Big BuBBa was at my window " Do you know why I am pulling you over ?" Well Woody not the sharpest tool in the toolbox but sd. "Yes Sir - going too fast" he said what do you have to say - I sd. " Well usually I am a safe driver (a little white lie) but We are from NH & we are trying to get to ND to take a son out to dinner. He sd. wait here please & he went to get the scoop on Big Woody - He came back & sd. " Warning " Boy was I releaved as I was not doing so well on the 1st hour of this trip. Mrs Woody was again very calme with no " I told you so s or anything"
At this point Big Woody would have been a little flustered had the shoe been on the other foot! But on we went. We went over to Irish Row & saw the Sons new place & low & behold his appartment was in perfect order. We were pretty inpressed , we had a good evening & things were going pretty good untill Mr & Mrs Woody decided to walk from T Blacks to the Stadium for tailgatting before game. During lunch Big Woody realized mistake #3 tickets were back at the Blacks. (2 miles away) Fortunitley T. Black sd. take the Golf cart. While I won't even try and tell the story about the ride; I will leave that to Mrs Woody &/or Jason to translate how Woody navigated the sea of humanity to get us thru but let me just say that it was Big Woody at his best!!!
As we gave our ticket to the usher and he showed us our seats the picture you see above, we are actaully standing on our seats. The very LAST row at the top of the stadium; but NOTHING could dampen the spirits of Mr. and Mrs. Woody as they were sharing time alone under the big dome!
As always Mr & Mrs Woody enjoyed their trip away from the Rat Race & Mrs Woody was truely a trooper to put up with Woodys Foolishness again !!! Till next time so goes the life of Mr. and Mrs. Woody.
Monday, November 1, 2010
"Deer Lillie Takes a Bike Ride"
Lillie's first bike ride with Mr. and Mrs. Woody
Lillie had apparently heard to many stories about Papas driving ability as you can see; she was holding on for dear life! Well that was how we started but low and behold as she gained the much needed confidence that each & every-one of Papa's passengers get (on bike or in a vehicle driven by Big Woody ) she relaxed & the fun started! I had ben given special riding instructons by Mrs. Woody for this particular trip; such as stopping at all red lights & stop signs etc. This is the start of the Keene Bike Path. Well within minutes Lillie had gotten completely comfortable with Big Woody Talents not only as a professional bike driver but also as a certified tour guide. She was all smiles within minutes & started kicking ; which might have bothered 99% of drivers but not the "New Woody" we just referred back to chapter #1 in the "Woody Learning To Be Nice Book" and took it in stride! This also toke Mr & Mrs Woody back in time - kinda like a time machine. Back to a time many moons ago when Big Woody parted his hair in the middle & wore a bandana and the Woodys would put the little one on the back of the bike & brings snacks & head out for the afternoon along with Kelly on a long bike ride. So long that we had to bring bungie cords so that when "The Penster fell asleep we could tie her more upright in the seat so as her neck wouldn't snap to much on the bumps! One time we went so far &it was so hot that Kelly finally collaped ( heat exustion ) that we had to stop & find her water & then walk after she recovered enough! Well Lillie's trip was not as long but it was sure enjoyable as she loved being out & about and she seemed fasinated by the experience - as a matter of fact I do believe that she probably has inherited the I luv bike gene along with some others as she seemed to enjoy it just like we were riding to the store at Fork Md or the Penny Candy Store in Emerald Island or Maine! As a matter of fact we decided in honor of the kids we would stop at the Ye Goodie Shop & get a large non-parrel. And yes Lillie did enjoy that part also. The only part she didn't seem to really like was when it ended! But I told her that because of the Bike Gene she would be doing a lot more of this. we got to see several dogs & birds and runners & many people going about their daily lives & Lillie seemed to like the exillerating feeling of buzzing along and actually going faster than most animals & people were going! All in all I am not sure if Lillie liked it more or Mr & Mrs Woody liked the experiance or the memories it brought back but in any case it was surely an enjoyable experience for all ! Take a look at her face after she got used to it!
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