As mentioned in the last blog ( refer back, if one is experiancing memmory issues) Big Woody will post some items, they will be numbers as follows; #1), #2), #3) etc. The winner of the contest will get to pick 3 items from the Veagan Side of things. Veagan Loosers well ( I have got to try & say in nicely - again refer back if need be) pack a cooler & bring it to "The Mtn." on "Turkey Day" - good thing I'm being nice :)
Next post I will explain the rules of the contest. Let me wish everyone good luck right up front as I don't want there to be any hard feelings but in serious competitive cases ( with so much at stake) there probably will be someone who feels slighted !!! Such is Life Below are the August selections for the November Feast! #1) Pumkin above Big Woody had problems with layout.
#2) Turnip
#3) U guessed it Vegean Eye Of The Round
Ta Ta 4 Now ! Woody :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
"Turkey Day Fast Approaching"
Yes even thou the forcast calls for it to reach 90 decrees on Moose Mountain not only today but Mon.-Tues.&Wed. also - Thanksgiving will be here before 1 knows it. Thus Big Woody says even thou it might not be quit time to set the table - we should start getting mentally prepared for the festivities. I believe that Mr & Mrs Woody will not be travelling this year so Big Woody has decided to start keeping his (good) eye open for the perfect bird. I thought maybe I would run a contest and the winner could pick out the specimen from the group of pictures that will be posted periodically on the "Blog" - I will number the contestants as follows #1), #2), #3), etc. (hopefully everyone in the family can figure it out) and the winner of the above mentioned contest gets to pick "Their Bird".
I believe that this will put some much needed life & energy back into the late November Holliday! For those "Vegan Indafiduals" we will place something just as appropriate on the lawn & I will snap pics of those items also & randomly send them along as well; (same numbering system) this will keep confussion down to a minimum - The reason that " Big Woody " thought of the Vegan solution was he didn't want these members of the family to be offended by this program
Well I hope that all are as excited about this idea as "Big Woody"
#1) Left #2) Right Ta Ta 4 now as I got to get the camera out!.
I believe that this will put some much needed life & energy back into the late November Holliday! For those "Vegan Indafiduals" we will place something just as appropriate on the lawn & I will snap pics of those items also & randomly send them along as well; (same numbering system) this will keep confussion down to a minimum - The reason that " Big Woody " thought of the Vegan solution was he didn't want these members of the family to be offended by this program
Well I hope that all are as excited about this idea as "Big Woody"
#1) Left #2) Right Ta Ta 4 now as I got to get the camera out!.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Big Rack on Moose Mtn.
Well most of you missed it but there was a rare sighting of the "Big Guy" late today!
No not Big Woody but Big Bucky! Yes the ellusive 12 pointer was on the edge of
the back lawn enjoying that niece alfalfa in the back 5 acre field. Needless to say Big Woody got a little excited & I wasn't sure if I should go for the gun or camera. I had a quick vission of hanging that trophy rack above the new fireplace & hanging my trusty 22 woody rifle from that inpressive rack! But I went for the camera (or should i say, Mrs. Woody did) instead. We only got 1 picture & he was off & running BUT 1 was better than usual as far as Big Buck go. But don't be to disappointed as we will share the picture with you! I know that it won't be the same addrenaline rush as witnessing it live BUT it will have to do! We will keep you posted on Moose Mtn. Wildlife.
Ta Ta 4 now;
Woody :)
No not Big Woody but Big Bucky! Yes the ellusive 12 pointer was on the edge of
the back lawn enjoying that niece alfalfa in the back 5 acre field. Needless to say Big Woody got a little excited & I wasn't sure if I should go for the gun or camera. I had a quick vission of hanging that trophy rack above the new fireplace & hanging my trusty 22 woody rifle from that inpressive rack! But I went for the camera (or should i say, Mrs. Woody did) instead. We only got 1 picture & he was off & running BUT 1 was better than usual as far as Big Buck go. But don't be to disappointed as we will share the picture with you! I know that it won't be the same addrenaline rush as witnessing it live BUT it will have to do! We will keep you posted on Moose Mtn. Wildlife.
Ta Ta 4 now;
Woody :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
"Simple Things"
Random thoughts from the mountain!
1) It now takes a few days for dishwasher to fill up - now that Mr & Mrs Woody are home alone!
2) Instead of 2 to 3 loads of laundry a day - now 2 loads every other day!
3) Supper - clean up a couple of minutes vs. 20 minutes or so this summer.
4) Much much quieter on the mtn. Wildlife is becoming more relacked & turkeys & deer are now out at all times of day!
5) Mr & Mrs Woody are still trying to get used to the peace & quiet !
Big Woody would think it was perfect if lets say we could have everyone back maybe once or twice a week! Now that would be Utopia!
Weather Report from on top of Moose Mountain High of 64 today, complete cloud cover & rainy. Almost a perfect day for Woody (except for rain)
Mrs Woody is making her usual fantastic supper & will be calling me any minute, so ta ta 4 now.
Woody :)
1) It now takes a few days for dishwasher to fill up - now that Mr & Mrs Woody are home alone!
2) Instead of 2 to 3 loads of laundry a day - now 2 loads every other day!
3) Supper - clean up a couple of minutes vs. 20 minutes or so this summer.
4) Much much quieter on the mtn. Wildlife is becoming more relacked & turkeys & deer are now out at all times of day!
5) Mr & Mrs Woody are still trying to get used to the peace & quiet !
Big Woody would think it was perfect if lets say we could have everyone back maybe once or twice a week! Now that would be Utopia!
Weather Report from on top of Moose Mountain High of 64 today, complete cloud cover & rainy. Almost a perfect day for Woody (except for rain)
Mrs Woody is making her usual fantastic supper & will be calling me any minute, so ta ta 4 now.
Woody :)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
"Big Woody Tries Being Nice"
Sorry Fans across the globe; Woody has been on hiatis for a few weeks but HE's Back: & as you can see by the picture, Bigger & Better than ever! Or should I say , Happier & Nicer than ever? Well I am affraid that I can not objectively say that ; so i will leave it to my adoring public to decide.
Well let me explain the absence of my blogging. I have decided to turn over a new leaf "Being Nice" thus the picture of me with my latest book. And because some of these principles are not second nature - the reading has been slow at times ( some might say agonizingly slow) but Woody has been determined so even thou there has been clammering for a post I felt it was nessassary to get thru the intrduction of my nearest venture 1st!
The old woody would have said that I needed 2 weeks to recover from the previous 6 weeks ( full house on Moose Mtn.) But the New & inproved Woody will say that I was battling a mild case of depression as all the young had departed from "The Mtn." thus my heart was so sadend that writing just wouldn't flow!
But in either case just sit back & enjoy yourselves & I will ramble on a few more minutes.
Not to sure how this being nice will work as we all know the saying about "The Old Dog" but we are going to give it a go. Well I think that I will get back to page 4 of my book, hopefully I will pick up the pace cuz I know you bloggers have been short changed lately, so pray that the being nice book will start becoming more lumminating & all-natural to Woody so as I can get back to a more normal blogging schedule!
Ta Ta 4 now ! :)
Well let me explain the absence of my blogging. I have decided to turn over a new leaf "Being Nice" thus the picture of me with my latest book. And because some of these principles are not second nature - the reading has been slow at times ( some might say agonizingly slow) but Woody has been determined so even thou there has been clammering for a post I felt it was nessassary to get thru the intrduction of my nearest venture 1st!
The old woody would have said that I needed 2 weeks to recover from the previous 6 weeks ( full house on Moose Mtn.) But the New & inproved Woody will say that I was battling a mild case of depression as all the young had departed from "The Mtn." thus my heart was so sadend that writing just wouldn't flow!
But in either case just sit back & enjoy yourselves & I will ramble on a few more minutes.
Not to sure how this being nice will work as we all know the saying about "The Old Dog" but we are going to give it a go. Well I think that I will get back to page 4 of my book, hopefully I will pick up the pace cuz I know you bloggers have been short changed lately, so pray that the being nice book will start becoming more lumminating & all-natural to Woody so as I can get back to a more normal blogging schedule!
Ta Ta 4 now ! :)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"Moose Mtn. Blues"
Well things came to a screatching halt on the Mountain at 5:23pm last night as Deer Lillie decended down the driveway ( along with her parents) and headed home ( Williamsburg,Virg.) We rang the bell till she was out-of-sight but it seemed as thou I had just been ringing it to announce her arrival! How could the time have passed so quickly ! Neadless to say "MeMe" was a pretty bummed out as well. Things will go still happin on the Mountain but somehow it will not seem quit the same. Lillie added excitement,life, & energy; somehow it was more excitng to be showing Lillie the deer,geese,turkeys,woodchucks,planes,frogs,Birdeees,well most everthing. Deer Lillie loves being outside she is a true "Nature Girl" - I am sure Life will get back to normal & we will fall back into our hectic schedule - But - Mr & Mrs Woody will be looking forward to our next visit with the Little Firecracker from W&M. I will leave you with a few of my favorite pics from the" Summer of 2010"

Saturday, August 7, 2010
"Twin Fawns"
Today Myself & Mrs Woody were leaving Moose Mtn. headed for Peterborough when looking to cross the road was a doe & 2 little fawns ( complete with all their white spots ) but of course NO CAMERA! Also the Big Hawk was positioned on top of the Big birdhouse for an hour or so this morning getting his full of fieldmice ( but again - I can not get close enough for a good shot )!
Weather Wise near perfect day on the mountain 76 clear as a bell, & sunny - with no humidity ! by near everyones standards perfect except Big Woody would have traded the sun for overcast but as the song goes " You can't always get what you want" The count down has begun for Deer Lillie to depart from her summer resting spot "The Inn at Moose Mtn." 3 days & counting.
The Inn Keepers ( Mr & Mrs Woody ) will slow down form a gallup to a troot - the grounds will be a lot more tranquil. But we Sure will miss Pappa - MeMe
Also today on our trip we were breazing along when my good eye cought a bunch of kids toys with the best words ever written on the side FREE . So we pulled a U turn on a dime got out & loaded up the car. And continued on our way pretty soon I started noticing a strange smell ( so we stopped 5 miles down the road & placed all the stuff at end of someones driveway stuck the free sign back on it & continued on our way! So Lillie went from a pile of free toys to a Big Wheels that is probably a little to big for her but we will see when she gets up. While ta ta for now.
Weather Wise near perfect day on the mountain 76 clear as a bell, & sunny - with no humidity ! by near everyones standards perfect except Big Woody would have traded the sun for overcast but as the song goes " You can't always get what you want" The count down has begun for Deer Lillie to depart from her summer resting spot "The Inn at Moose Mtn." 3 days & counting.
The Inn Keepers ( Mr & Mrs Woody ) will slow down form a gallup to a troot - the grounds will be a lot more tranquil. But we Sure will miss Pappa - MeMe
Also today on our trip we were breazing along when my good eye cought a bunch of kids toys with the best words ever written on the side FREE . So we pulled a U turn on a dime got out & loaded up the car. And continued on our way pretty soon I started noticing a strange smell ( so we stopped 5 miles down the road & placed all the stuff at end of someones driveway stuck the free sign back on it & continued on our way! So Lillie went from a pile of free toys to a Big Wheels that is probably a little to big for her but we will see when she gets up. While ta ta for now.
Monday, August 2, 2010
" In Flight "
Well Jennifer & Lillie & Jamie saw 1 of the Herrons today & Jamie got a picture! We almost have gotten the pair several times in their nest, but it is much easier said than done. As soon as they see you they scadadal!
This is the "Empty Nest" - So use your imagination - Mr & Mrs Herron With Babies ! Maybe we will get "The Picture Of The Year" keep looking !
The Empty Nest - Mr & Mrs Woody have forgooten what the Emty Nest feels like - As this Summer the Woody Cave is back to brimming! not overflowing as Dana Woody is in Virgina but the rest of the pack has landed and Moose Mtn is not as tranquil as it was ! Even the Wild Life has had to addapt! But such is Life on Moose Mtn. - Till Later - Woody :)
This is the "Empty Nest" - So use your imagination - Mr & Mrs Herron With Babies ! Maybe we will get "The Picture Of The Year" keep looking !
The Empty Nest - Mr & Mrs Woody have forgooten what the Emty Nest feels like - As this Summer the Woody Cave is back to brimming! not overflowing as Dana Woody is in Virgina but the rest of the pack has landed and Moose Mtn is not as tranquil as it was ! Even the Wild Life has had to addapt! But such is Life on Moose Mtn. - Till Later - Woody :)
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